A few weeks before Christmas this year, I went to a friend's house and was introduced to the concept of a soymilk maker. I didn't even know such an item existed! We live in Manhattan, and soymilk here is very expensive - about $4.60 a quart, more sometimes. I'm very very lactose intolerant, and we drink a lot of soymilk - about a quart and a half a week. It adds up, as you might imagine!
My friend's maker was an old SoyaJoy that she bought off of Craigslist. I liked the quality of the milk, and came home raving about soymilk makers and how much money we'd save if we got one, and proceeded to research new soymilk makers online. My husband, dearheart that he is, bought me this one for Christmas after I subjected him to yet another evening's worth of research and raving! He's very patient. I was over the moon ecstatic. He also bought us 25 pounds (you read that right) of soybeans.
It is now 3 weeks later, and I have made & drank several quarts of soymilk, as well as a quart of almond milk, and a quart of pecan milk. Pecan milk is amazing and I suggest making hot chocolate with it - it will knock your socks off.
I find the easiest way to clean the machine is, after straining the milk into a big bowl or glass pitcher, to fill the pitcher part of the machine with hot water and a squirt of dishsoap, and reassemble the machine to soak for a little while. Cleanup is super easy and you won't have to use the scrub brush included in the kit.
My soymilk recipe is as follows, it tastes very similar to Silk brand soymilk:
100 g *dry* soybeans, soaked overnight or in the fridge for a few days
1 tablespoon rolled oats
1 - 2 tablespoons unsweetened coconut
2 scant tablespoons sugar, and 1/2 generous teaspoon kosher salt
Fill machine to higher water level
process on "soymilk"
strain & chill
That's it! Pecan milk was 165 grams of dry pecans, soaked for a few hours and processed on "soymilk", and sweetened the same way.
I find that warm milks right from the machine are a little grainy. Cooled in the fridge overnight, the milks take on a lovely creamy quality.
I absolutely ADORE this machine and look forward to many years of use from it. I highly recommend it to anyone who drinks a lot of alternative milks - soy, nut, what have you.
I use 100 grams of soybeans per quart of milk - that's about 3.5 ounces of soybeans. We bought 25 pounds of soybeans for $30, which means that our 25 lbs of soy beans will make about 114 quarts of soymilk. That works out to 26 cents a quart.
Twenty six cents a quart, versus $4.60 a quart.
FREAKING AWESOME! Tasty too, and foams beautifully when I make my morning latte/cappuccino. I can't say enough good things about this machine. Get one. You'll be thrilled.
PS : I just tweaked my recipe a little in the past few months :) Enjoy!
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Joyoung CTS1048 Automatic Hot Soy Milk MakerProduct Description: Discover the many health benefits of soybeans with the Joyoung CTS1048/JYDZ-17A soy milk maker. A great addition to any kitchen, the Joyoung CTS1048 offers a winning combination of excellent soy milk output quality, convenient automatic operation, and stainless steel construction for easy cleanups. No complicated setup or assembly required - just add water and soy beans, press one button and have delicious fresh soy milk ready in less than 20 minutes!
The user's manual contains easy to follow recipies and suggestions for adding your own creative twists. Produce flavorful and healthy milk drinks from a variety of beans, rice, grains, nuts, and dried fruits. Add natural ingredients such as honey, raw sugar, and vanilla to taste.
The Joyoung CTS1048 is a benchmark product and it's no coincidence that so many soy milk makers on the market look like it. Don't pay more when you can get the original at a fraction of the cost.
Features- Micro-computer Control, Totally Automatic Operation
- Patent "Water Diversion Technology" with Raphael Meshwork
- Easy to clean stainless steel jug, filter cup, grinder, and heating element
- Makes up to 1.6 Liter of fresh milk drink
- User's manual with helpful and creative recipies to try
- Six intelligent protection functions for safe operation
Soy Milk Health Benefits- Reduced risk of heart disease due to cholesterol free and high fiber.
- Reduced risk of digestive disorders due to high fiber content.
- Dairy-free and ideal for people with lactose intolerance and milk allergies.
- Great for dietary treatment of diabetes due to low glycemic index and cholesterol free.
- Complete protein source of essential amino acids.
What's Included- Joyoung CTS1048 Soy Milk Maker
- AC Power Cord
- Plastic pitcher
- Metal strainer
- Cleaning brush and scrub pad
- One year factory USA warranty
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