after several poor, to put it mildly, experiences with another frothier from Krups, I got this since some friends like froth on their coffee or in their milk.I've had it a little more than two years - wow coming up three years, have used it with friends around the house and while camping -- and it's never failed. Once you get it down -- it's a wonder.I runs on batteries, and so you want to make sure you have some good charged batteries around.As the batteries lose their power, this thing will slow down (DUH!) -- BUT fresh batteries make all the difference in the world -- and this tiny little power house has been in the far reaches of Nevada and it's heat, and dunked in water to clean - and as long as you KNOW it's battery powered, and keep three sets of batteries, it should last you breakfast and breaks for years -- I carry two charged sets of batteries, and one new set that needs a full charge plus the solar charger -- and I've never had any trouble at all -- at home or on the trail. There may be better battery ones out there -- but like back-packing pressure cookers, there's not a lot to chose from and at the time this was the only one.The fact that it has lasted so long in heat and dust and water and sand and grit and kept working -- I'm impressed since you see my one star rating of the Krups - who make many good products, however, this is not one of them -- three years coming up and no trouble if you keep the batteries up.How Long does a set of batteries last?Well I don't froth, but my friends do, and I'd give it a good 4 days with them drinking coffee perhaps four or five times a day -- and then i needs a battery charge.the longer you use he set of batteries, the less charge they keep, so when it gets down to about lasting less than a day with a full charge the day before -- I toss the batteries, and put in a fresh pack, and charge up the new pack -- so when it slows down, it's simply switch out batteries -- and while most don't think solar cells will charge by lantern light --so even when was caught in several days of clouds and snow and wind in Nevada, the battery charger charged fine off a Mantle light.
It's small, it fits in your drawer and doesn't take up counter space, and if anyone wants foma -- or whipped milk, it's always in the back-pack or on a shelf in the 'kitchen area' -- ready to spin and do what it's suppose to!
Some people have had a problem with a frothier I also own (Aerolatte) where the screws came out of the head -- electrical tape keeps the top on -- as does duct tape.and I rate them the same -- Aerolatte and this one are about the same in overall working quality -- this one is lighter and a bit smaller for back-packing.But works well at home.Lock-tight works on screws and bolts that vibrate lose.In fact, I have to say that tape is quicker and easier than screws!
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BonJour Mini FrotherProduct Description: In just seconds, Bonjour's automatic frothers produce rich creamy froth for your favorite coffee drinks. Top rich, creamy hot chocolate or bold, full bodied coffee, with style and finesse using this new pencil frother.The sleek and stylish design features a soft touch easy press button to whip up lush, fluffy froth in seconds.Take this frother right to the mug for delectable cappuccinos, lattes and mochas. Black with gray push button, powered by 2 AA batteries.
Buy cheap BonJour Mini Frother now
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